The 2023 Mid America MX series will consist of six (8) total rounds.
Each rider will get one (1) RACE throw-out. Throw-out race would be your lowest scoring races you competed in or would cancel out a missed race.
Each rider MUST ride SIX (6) races to be considered for the YEAR END points championship. Cancelled events will be rescheduled at the soonest possible opportunity. In a circumstance that an event cannot be rescheduled, the required race numbers may be reduced. The event may be rescheduled to another venue if necessary.
Each race’s first moto gate pick will be determined by random computer pick order. This includes pre-registration for each event. If you pre-register for an event, you still need to report to the office before you are officially registered for the event. If a rider is late for signup (after the race order has been completed) the computer will automatically place the rider as the last gate pick. If a rider changes classes after the race order has been completed, he/she will have last gate pick and may have back-to-back motos.
Event give-a-ways will be given out on a first come first serve basis. This means the first to report to the Registration office at each event. Preregistering does Not guarantee you give-a-ways. Give-a-ways may not be available at all events.
In the event of cancellation after an event is started, rainchecks may be given for part or all of the race fees that have been paid. Rainchecks are only good for the venue they are issued from. Gate fees refunds are up to the track owner and may not be refunded.
All helmets must be intact, and no modification may be made to their construction that alters the helmet from the condition it was tested and approved. The helmet is made to provide protection and is not a platform to attach foreign objects. For example, cameras or other accessories are NOT permitted to be attached to the rider’s helmet.
Each rider must present the appropriate credentials before they will be allowed to enter the track at any time. This may include, but is not limited to, proof of paid gate fee, practice fee, entry fee.
Anyone accompanying a rider to the staging/starting area must present the appropriate event credentials.
Any person within the event grounds may be requested, at any time, to present event credentials.
Each Riders RPV will determine their rider’s ability level. (A/B/C Class) (http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/asp/amrace/advancement/index.asp)
Riders MUST practice with their own ability level. This includes the practice days before each event and the morning of Race Day.
Entering the track anywhere other than the staging area is grounds for disqualification for the entire weekend event.
Cutting the track at any time is not permitted. Riders may not cut the track at the start of practice or loop back to re ride any sections. If a rider cuts the track at the start of his/her practice he/she will be black flagged and forfeit their practice session. (This is for the safety of the riders! There may still be riders on the last section of the track from the previous practice)
It is the duty and responsibility of the rider to determine the class in which they belong.
Electric Bikes will be run in a class of their own but may be ran on the track with comparable classes.
The beginner class is an entry level class, not an ability level class. Beginner classes will NOT pay points in the MAMS series. PeeWee classes are Stock/Limited classes. All other classes are modified classes.
PeeWee riders may receive assistance at the MAMS official’s discretion. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed on the track to assist a PeeWee rider. Parents may NOT use a vehicle to follow riders around the track at any time!
A rider may ride a different bike in the second moto than they rode in the first moto with prior approval of MAMS officials. It is the riders responsibility to make sure any such changes (rider number) are reported to the starter, office, and score keepers.
The number on the rider and bike must match.
It is the rider’s responsibility to make sure they have proper identifying marks on their bike and person. Numbers will be available for purchase at the office of each event if needed. (see AMA rule book, SECTION 1.2–C–14 Number Plates)
If transponders are used, it is the rider's responsibility to make sure their transponder is properly mounted, working, and on the proper bike throughout the entire event.
A rider must complete at least one lap of at least one moto under their own power before being scored for that moto. This is per class. If you are riding for points in more than one class, you must complete at least one lap of at least one moto in each class to receive MAMS series points in each class.
Riders only starting one moto but receiving a DNF in that moto will receive 1 (ONE) point for that class for that race in MAMS series points as long as there are less than 40 riders in class.
Riders finishing beyond 40th place or are unable to complete at least 1 lap under their own power resulting 2 DNS finishes will not receive any points. Participation for the event will count for event for year-end awards.
The 30-minute protest period is per moto. Check your results after each moto.
MAMS officials are not responsible for locating riders before their moto.
If a moto must be stopped because of a rider or riders obstructing the progress and safety of the moto that rider or riders may not be allowed to restart the moto unless cleared by the medic and allowed by the race official.
If a rider is riding for sponsor contingencies, it is the rider’s responsibility to make sure he/she are properly recorded at each event. Make sure your bike brand is right on the results, wear the proper gear, have the right parts on your bike, etc.
Each rider will be checked according with the sponsorship requirements.
Any verbal harassment or physical abuse of MAMS personnel, track officials, medics, or event property may be grounds for permanent
disqualification from the MAMS series.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track, staging, mechanic, or start areas. Riders or pit crew should not use any of the above-mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider or pit crew that is impaired will not be allowed to compete or be in the staging or start areas or be allowed on the track to assist any riders.
A rider is responsible for the action of their Pit Crew and associated spectators. Infractions by riders Pit Crew or associated spectators will be grounds for penalties against that rider.
Amateur riders competing in an age class that pays money may have a shop/sponsor paid in lieu of jeopardizing amateur status. Payment will be made by MAMS directly to the sponsor in the name of the amateur rider.
Ties in series points will be broken by APPENDIX 6.3 in the AMA rule book. Each event overall finish will be determined by each rider's overall finish for each event.
Series points will be awarded for each rider’s OVERALL finishes for each event using the following points table per race. See Below.
Overall Finish
Series Points Per Round
1 – 25
2 – 22
3 – 20
4 – 18
5 – 16
6 – 15
7 – 14
8 – 13
9 – 12
10 – 11
11 – 10
12 – 9
13 – 8
14 – 7
15 – 6
16 – 5
17 – 4
18 – 3
19 – 2
20-40 – 1